TOEFL IBT & PBT, What's the difference?

Test of English As a Foreign Language (TOEFL). This test is done to measure and know our ability in English. This test is done by ETS or Educational Testing Service and first time in 1963. TOEFL test can also be used to get fund or scholarship grant. The following will be discussed about the two types of TOEFL test and the difference of each test.

The difference between TOEFL IBT and PBT is at the time of testing, PBT uses more sheets of paper and pencil while IBT uses more computer and internet connection. Here are the details explanation:
  • PBT TOEFL: PBT (Paper Based Test) or in our language is paper-based TOEFL test. As the name implies, this test is done on paper with three test sessions namely Listening, Structure, and Reading. This TOEFL type has a range of values or scores of 310 to 677 as the maximum scores. This test lasts for 2 to 2.5 hours. Currently, PBT-TOEFL is no longer valid in the international world, except for some countries. However, there are many local institutions in Indonesia that are still willing to accept the results of PBT-TOEFL scores. 
  •  IBT TOEFL: IBT (Internet Based Test) This test is divided into 4 parts, namely reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Here are the details of his test:1. Reading. We are given long passages of several paragraphs, then are required to answer questions related to the paragraph. There are several readings with various themes given to us2. Listening. In general on listening we listen to something and then answer some questions from there. There are two kinds of audio on listening: the first is lecture like in college, and the second is a conversation between two people. As in actual college, we are allowed to record what we hear.3. Writing. Writing there are two parts. The first is reading some paragraph , then we answer the question posed by making an essay. The second is to write an essay containing personal opinions on an issue, if not mistaken for at least 300 words.4. Speaking. In speaking we talk to a microphone. In contrast to talking to people, there will be no feedback from the other person, so it will feel very awkward, as if we are talking alone. There are three parts. The first one answers something personal, the second is to give an opinion, and the third sums up a lecture. 
sumber : Jusuf tobing blogspot 


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